
New money advice service for foodbank clients

Money advice service launched for clients

MONEY advice and guidance on how to deal with issues such as bad debt will be available to foodbank users thanks to a new partnership. The Money Matters team, part of faith-based organisation Saltbox, has secured funding to provide consultations for clients, helping them to keep on top of their budgets. The grant from the […]

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We are recruiting: Project Lead

Responsible to: The trustees of Newcastle-Staffs foodbank Salary: £10.00 per hour, £7,800 per annum Full-time / part-time: Part time – 15 hours per week. Temporary / permanent: Permanent contract for a 12 month period, with potential to extend. Closing date for applications: October 7th 2020 Interviews date: October 20th 2020 Likely start date: January 1st […]

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Spencer gives foodbank a fireman’s lift

FIREFIGHTER Spencer Smith completed the hefty challenge of running a half marathon around the borough and carrying out a 100-metre casualty drag – all in his full emergency kit. His efforts were all the more impressive as Spencer, a retained firefighter based at Newcastle station, had just come off a very busy shift. With his […]

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Spencer goes the extra miles for foodbank

RUNNER Spencer Smith is doing his bit for Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank during lockdown – dressed in full firefighter kit. The retained firefighter had hoped to complete a series of half marathons this year but the coronavirus outbreak means many sport and fundraising events have been cancelled. However Spencer, a seasoned runner and charity champion, is keen […]

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Coronavirus: Working to keep our centres open

Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank is helping to feed hundreds of people by keeping its six centres open throughout the lockdown. While a significant proportion of volunteers are self-isolating, the foodbank has brought in a pre-packed food parcel system to ensure it can continue to open across Newcastle brorough and meet the needs of the community. Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank […]

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Coronavirus: How do I get a food voucher?

TO get help from our foodbank you will need to be referred with a voucher. Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank works with different frontline organisations such as advice charities, housing associations and wellbeing professionals which issue these vouchers. This allows us to gather basic information so we can prepare a suitable emergency package. Once you have a voucher, […]

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Coronavirus: Foodbank makes urgent appeal for help

A EMERGENCY fundraising appeal has been launched to counteract a drop in donations as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank, part of The Trussell Trust, is continuing to operate across the borough to ensure emergency food parcels are available to those in need. But restrictions put in place as a result of the […]

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Coronavirus: Supporting People in Crisis

As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in the UK, our main priority is ensuring the safety of everyone who comes to our food bank – whether it’s someone needing help, someone volunteering their time, or someone making a donation. Things are changing quickly, so we’ll keep this page updated regularly with information about what’s happening at […]

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Volunteers Needed!

JOIN OUR TEAM OF VOLUNTEERS. YOU CAN VOLUNTEER  FROM 2 HOURS A WEEK ——— Admin Volunteers Needed – Flexible times to suit you Can you offer your skills to support us in a number of different roles that we are trying to fill. If so, and you would like further information, please contact us by […]

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Current Shortages as of November 2019

We want to thank every donor that continues to support us…. Every donation we receive is very much appreciated and goes a long way in making a difference to those in crisis… Please find our shortages on: Menu > Give Help > Donate Food We have numerous sites throughout Newcastle under Lyme where you can […]

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